Tuesday 3 December, 12h00-19h00
@ imec – Leuven

In this workshop we will address recent technology innovations to realize a wireless network of batteryless IoT devices that harvest their own energy.

The workshop includes presentations and (live) demos, and is accessible to all enthusiasts in wireless technology. Topics include a.o.

  • energy harvesting
  • wireless power transfer
  • energy-efficient wireless networking
  • energy-aware computing


The programme will follow soon.



  • Imec employees and residents: free of charge
  • Employees of Wireless Community members: free of charge
  • User group members of FWO SBO-project IoBaLeT: free of charge
  • Others:
    • 100 EUR (excl VAT) early bird until November 26
    • 120 EUR (excl VAT) late registration from November 27

Please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form below and you will be automatically registered.
A few days prior to the event you will receive a confirmation email with all practical details.

Please contact us at wireless-community@im