Wireless sensing & localisation: technologies and applications

Friday 21 March, 12h00-19h00
@ imec – Leuven

Wireless signals are capable of much more than exchanging (lots of) data between transmitter and receiver. By accurately observing and measuring transmission parameters such as signal strength, evolved phase and transmission time we are able to sense the environment. People and objects can be detected and located. And thanks to recent innovations in (AI-based) signal processing fine-grained information such as (3D) pose estimation, vital sign monitoring and even activity recognition of people have become a reality.

While active (“radar”) sensing has long been a proven technology, we are now observing a rapid increase in applications of passive sensing, based on modelling and classification of signal propagation properties between wireless devices in an indoor or even outdoor environment.
In this workshop we will present recent technological innovations for wireless sensing & localisation, and discuss (emerging) applications.

The programme includes presentations and (live) demos, and is accessible to all enthusiasts in wireless technology.

Topics include a.o.

  • general principles of active and passive sensing
  • innovations in sensing with Bluetooth, Wifi and UWB
  • joint communication and sensing
  • standardisation activities
  • wide range of applications


12h00 Registration & sandwich lunch
13h00 Introduction
Kris Hermus, Coordinator Wireless Community & Innovation Program Manager Flanders, imec
13h20 An introduction to integrated wireless sensing and communication (ISAC)
Jeroen Famaey, Professor, imec-IDLab-UAntwerp

  • levels of integration in ISAC
  • use cases
  • synergies and trade-offs between sensing and communications
  • possible frequency bands and technologies
  • model- vs. data-driven sensing
  • comparison of different sensing architectures (mono-, bi-, multi-static)

13h40 UWB: a versatile technology for communication, localisation and sensing
Eli De Poorter, Professor, imec-IDLab-UGent

o This presentation will discuss recent advances on ISAC for UWB. The presentation discusses relevant valorization use cases, and outlines the required research steps that still need to be taken to realize ISAC in commercial deployments.

14h00 Bluetooth Channel Sounding: a breakthrough for centimeter-level ranging and localisation
Jac Romme, Principal Member of Technical Staff, imec-NL @ Holst Centre

  • phased-based ranging
  • challenges in multi-path environments
  • standardisation in BLE 6.0
  • applications

14h20 Data-driven sensing with (mmWave) Wi-Fi signals
Jeroen Famaey, Professor, imec-IDLab-UAntwerp

  • overview of Wi-Fi sensing concept (signal features, sensing modalities)
  • data-driven sensing framework
  • challenges (labeled data collection, generalization, power consumption)
  • case study: Gesture recognition and pose estimation using mmWave Wi-Fi

14h40 Openwifi: customized solutions for communication and sensing with Wi-Fi
Ingrid Moerman, Professor, imec-IDLab-UGent

Imec-IDLab-UGent has established the open-source initiative, openwifi, offering the world’s first free and open Linux-compatible full-stack standard-compliant Wi-Fi implementation. This platform is further extended with unique non/pre-standard features, like Time-Sensitive Networking enablers, channel state information (CSI) based sensing, fuzzing & defuzzing, etc.
In the presentation, we will present how the openwifi platform can be used for innovation and customization for private, professional deployments.

  • Demo 1 – imec-NL @ Holst Centre:
    centimeter-level ranging with Bluetooth Channel Sounding
  • Demo 2 – KU Leuven:
    joint communication and sensing
  • Demo 3 – imec-IDLab-UGent:
    UWB based non-invasive breathing monitoring

    This demonstration showcases the feasibility to monitor the breathing rate of persons using UWB radar, and discusses the accuracy of low-cost UWB-based breathing detection in various environments using embedded devices.
  • Demo 4 – CrowdScan:
    sensing crowds with 868 MHz signals
  • Demo 5 – imec-IDLab-UAntwerp:
    data-driven sensing with COTS mm-Wave Wi-Fi devices

    Showcasing how the presence of people attenuates Wi-Fi signals, and how this can be leveraged for various types of data-driven sensing using deep learning, including person detection, gesture recognition, and human pose estimation
  • Demo 6 – imec-IDLab-UGent:
    openwifi Wi-Fi platform for customized joint communication and sensing solutions

    Live Demo showing the capability of the openwifi Wi-Fi platform for customized JC&S solutions: we will demonstrate that a Wi-Fi communication signal can be operated in radar mode to monitor the visitor’s breath rate in real-time without the need for attaching sensors on the body
16h20 Advanced sensing enabling responsive homes
Erik Van Mossevelde, Director Corporate Technology, Niko n.v.

In this presentation, we will explore how new sensor technologies are transforming residential living. We will explain the integration of smart sensors monitoring environmental conditions, energy usage, and occupant behavior to create adaptive, personalized living spaces. We will illustrate how these advancements enhance comfort, efficiency, and sustainability in modern homes. Join us to discover the future of responsive living through advanced sensing technologies.

16h40 Secure and reliable detection and localisation of people for gate automation
Tom Boschman, R&D Manager Electronics, Locinox

17h00 Passive sensing in the 868 MHz band for crowd density estimation and vehicle detection
Ben Bellekens, Co-Founder & CTO, CrowdScan

Abstract comes here …

17h20 The road towards 6G: massive integrated communication and sensing (TBC)
Sofie Pollin, Professor, KU Leuven and imec

  • near-field sensing
  • massive MIMO localisation
  • respiration sensing

17h40 Plenary Q&A session
17h50 Networking reception
19h30 End of the workshop



  • Imec employees and residents: free of charge
  • Employees of Wireless Community members: free of charge
  • Others:
    • 125 EUR (excl VAT) early bird until March 14
    • 150 EUR (excl VAT) late registration from March 15

Please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form below and you will be automatically registered.
A few days prior to the event you will receive a confirmation email with all practical details.

Please contact us at wireless-community@imec.be