Wi-Fi Alliance and Wi-Fi Application

Speakers: Geert Venken & Marc Bouckaert

Company/ Institute: Jabil Circuit Belgium

Event: 6th work meeting

Date: 6 December 2010


One in ten people around the world uses Wi-Fi at home, at work, in countless ways. Wi-Fi adoption continues to grow, and common goals still bind together. The Wi-Fi alliance mission is to deliver the best user experience by certifying products enabled with Wi-Fi technology and to support industry-agreed standards and specifications.
As (former) regular member of the Wi-Fi Alliance, Jabil is in a good position to give an in-depth overview of the Wi-Fi Alliance, the advantages of the membership, the logo certification and the certification process. Additionally, country specific regulations for Wi-Fi products are explained. Jabil’s Wi-Fi activities are focused on: Jabil pre-compliance WFA test environment and IP-STB with Wi-Fi connectivity.

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