Overview of the FP7 CREW project

Speaker: Ingrid Moerman, Professor

Ingrid Moerman received her degree in Electrical Engineering (1987) and the Ph.D degree (1992) from the Ghent University, where she became a part-time professor in 2000. She is a staff member of the research group on Internet-Based Communication Networks and Services, IBCN (www.ibcn.intec.ugent.be), where she is leading the research on mobile and wireless communication networks. Since 2006 she joined iMinds, where she is coordinating several interdisciplinary research projects. Her main research interests include: Sensor Networks, Cooperative and Cognitive Networks, Wireless Access, Self-Organizing Distributed Networks (Internet of Things) and Experimentally-supported research. Ingrid Moerman has a longstanding experience in running national and EU research funded projects. At the European level, Ingrid Moerman is in particular very active in the FP7 FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) research area, where she is coordinating  the CREW project and further participating in IP Fed4FIRE,,STREP FORGE and IP FLEX.  Ingrid Moerman is further coordinator of the H2020 WiSHFUL project. In the research area on Future Networks, she is involved in FP7 IP LEXNET, FP7 STREP SEMAFOUR and H2020 Flex5GWare.

Company/ Institute: iMinds

Event: 19th work meeting

Date: 29 October 2015


During the past decades wireless systems have evolved from simple rather static networks with a limited number of devices to complex and highly dynamic networks composed of a high density of heterogeneous wireless devices and technologies competing for limited spectral resources. Developing and validating such complex systems appears to be a difficult and time-consuming task. The threshold for experimental validation appears to be high. To this end the CREW project has established an open federated test platform, which facilitates experimentally-driven research on advanced spectrum sensing, cognitive radio and cognitive networking strategies in view of horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing in licensed and unlicensed bands. The CREW platform incorporates 5 individual wireless testbeds incorporating diverse wireless technologies (heterogeneous ISM, heterogeneous licensed, cellular, wireless sensor, heterogeneous outdoor) augmented with State-of-the-Art cognitive sensing platforms. This presentation will show how wireless developers can benefit from state-of-the-art wireless test facilities.

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