Speaker: David Plets
Company/ Institute: iMinds – UGent – WiCa
Event: 13th work meeting – final event SymbioNets project
Date: 15 October 2013
Network planning simulators are invaluable tools to deploy cost-efficient new networks that meet certain user-defined requirements. Due to the co-existence of many different (interacting) wireless technologies, there is a current trend towards the deployment of heterogeneous networks. Moreover, the increasing use of wireless communication has fed the concerns about human exposure to radio-frequency sources. The demo will therefore describe and illustrate an advanced network planner that is able to simulate and optimize both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks on the level of coverage and exposure. It will illustrate how coverage predictions can be executed in a heterogeneous network consisting of WiFi, UMTS, and LTE technologies. Depending on the chosen receiver (laptop, 3G/4G phone,…), different coverage maps are obtained. The demo will also show how wireless networks can be optimized on the level of their exposure characteristics, based on user preferences such as coverage requirement per room and maximally allowed exposure. Both whole-body and localized exposure will be considered.